
As a partially owner managed company, Tvilum is built on a strong foundation of decency. It shines through in all our actions. To ensure that we live up to all the demands and expectations of society, we are developing a range of policies that will guide us in our strategy and actions. We are also a member of the UN Global Compact, and every year we renew our commitment to live up to the ten principles of respect for human rights, labor rights, the environment and climate, and anticorruption. To ensure ethically correct behavior in our organization, we have also implemented a whistleblower scheme so that everyone in the organization can anonymously report any irregularities.

Local Community

We have a production that affects our immediate surroundings. 

On one hand, we create a lot of jobs, and are proud that we can attract talents from our local communities. We also enter into various forms of partnerships and sponsorship agreements locally.

On the other hand, our activities also have an impact on our immediate surroundings. We have a strong focus on minimizing our pollution, such as noise, smoke, dust and wastewater.



A large part of the risks that our activities could harm society comes from the entire supply chain and thus also from our suppliers. Therefore, we have a tough focus on continuously becoming better at controlling our purchases as well as the actions of our suppliers.